Jackson Wood

Game Designer, Modder and Developer ——————————


I’m a Game Designer from Sydney, Australia. Creation and learning are my passions, and I strive to learn new information every day. I’m a massive VR enthusiast, and in my free time enjoy creating mods for various Unity games. Out of the entire development pipeline, prototyping features is by far my favourite element.

Additionally, I was a nominee for AIE Designer of the Year. My major project, Codfather, was also nominated for AIE Game of the Year.

My Experience

I studied at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) RTO 88021. During this course, I completed a short QA internship at Blowfish Studios. I’ve also participated in both public and private
pre-alpha, alpha and beta tests for RamenVR’s ZenithMMO.


Adobe Photoshop
Unreal Engine

8 Years
24 Months
7 Months
615 Hours

I Click [Here] for my current resume.

Hard Skills

  • Fast & Effective Prototyping & Iteration

  • Broad understanding of all game design concepts

  • Programming in C# and Java

  • Visual Scripting in Blueprints

Soft Skills

  • Verbal & Digital Communication

  • Experience with Agile / Scrum

  • Digesting and Considering Constructive Criticism

  • Giving and Receiving Feedback

Engines / Software

  • Engines - Unity, Unreal Engine

  • Versioning - Perforce, GitHub

  • Project Management - Hack’n’Plan

  • Documentation - Microsoft Office - Word, Excel & Powerpoint

  • Image Editing & Graphic Design - Photoshop, Illustrator

- Showcase -

My Projects


A fast-paced underwater arena shooter inspired by Quake! Duke it out as the Shark Mafia or the Italian Divers and take back Venice, fighting with a variety of fish-based weapons.

- Prototyping - Level Design - Ability Design -

Valley of the Mask

A literal Uncanny Valley. Four keys scattered through the abandoned area, and mysterious observers following your every movement. Unlock the door and ascend.

- Level Design - Scripting - Art Pipeline -


Pick 3 moves and fight in a physics-based 1v1 fighting game with only 1 button to attack. Abilities cycle as you use them, so choose your attacks wisely as every power has its’ drawback!

- Prototyping - Pixel Art - Ability Design -

DnD Setting - Koh’Norhl

A land in the throes of chaos and famine, disasters striking at every turn, begging for the arrival of new hero of the world!

- Worldbuilding - Map Design -